

Oldschool style arcade game, set inside a computer. Dodge through viruses that are tearing themselves apart to try to destroy you!

Here are the obstacles for each level (they add up, so level 5 has all of them)

Level 1: Standard green viral blocks
Level 2: Indestructible red wall blocks
Level 3: Random speed changes
Level 4: Random pauses
Level 5: Explosive orange hazard blocks

Wigman Big Run

Run, jump, fly, eat food, gain weight and crush everything on your path.
Travel through the world to find a biggest fridge. Here you can find many upgrades , bonuses and FUN!

Raider: Episode 1

Raider is an old-school platformer experience that will consist of five separate episodes, eventually.
You play as a character called Arkus Zei: a ‘space pirate’ who makes a living by searching for loot in abandoned wrecks of dead spaceships and such.
It’s meant to be DIFFICULT, and it’s meant to be simple and straightforward; there are no gimmicky features or unnecessary frills, just basic platformer goodness. You can jump, shoot and slash and that’s it, and all you have to do is get to the end of the level and beat the boss. Simple. Or is it?


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